Reiki - Ancient Healing Technique for Improving Modern Day Living

Promoting Health and Wellbeing with Reiki

Reiki – Ancient Healing Technique for Improving Modern Day Living

Our body is highly complex and has an innate and omniscient wisdom necessary to sustain life. It intelligently monitors and adjusts its own processes constantly, working precisely to regulate (i.e. temperature) to restore (i.e. cells), balance and even heal itself.

History shows that our ancestors were well known for being more connected with nature, trusting their intuition and preserving traditions. Unlike our modern generation, they did not underestimate the body’s natural ability to heal itself – on the contrary, they made use of several foods, herbs and natural methods to withstand health and healing.

Fortunately, today innumerous people all over the world are (re)discovering these precious skills and implementing them successfully in their lives.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient method of natural healing; an extraordinary energy healing modality.

How does Reiki promote health?

Reiki is holistic in its nature and the induced energy works intelligently affecting matter on subtle levels, supporting and stimulating the mind, body and spirit in returning to its natural state of balance.

How can Reiki help you?

Reiki is used to conduct direct energy to the person’s body. The healing energy of Reiki induces deep relaxation, relieving stress as a crucial step towards unleashing the body’s natural healing abilities (immune system). It also aids in harmonizing the energy field and promotes a greater sense of general well-being.

Besides the effect on the physical body, the powerful healing energy of Reiki also penetrates the mental, emotional and spiritual body – it works solely on behalf our highest good, flowing intelligently wherever it is most needed.

Reiki can also help us in our personal development and spiritual growth, clearing energetic obstacles and blockages so that we can then freely achieve our true fulfilling purpose in life.

How does Reiki work? What’s the science behind it?

How Reiki works scientifically remains uncertain. Energy work is subtle and also involves intention. There is no denying though that Reiki has worked for many people and it healing properties continues to spread throughout the world. I’m convinced that both metaphysics and quantum physics provide possible explanations for this.


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