What is Reiki?

What Is Reiki?Reiki is a type of natural medicine or a complementary holistic healing practice.

Reiki is originally from Japan and the name Reiki is taken from two Japanese characters that describe the energy itself. The word “Rei” means “universal”, and “Ki” means “vital force”. Reiki is generally translated into western publications as “universal life energy”.

Mikao Usui - Reiki

It was developed in the 20th century by Mikao Usui. It is said that Usui received the healing ability after spending 21 days fasting and meditating on a mountain to the north-west of the city of Kyoto in Japan, called Mount Kurama.

This spiritual healing practice of “laying of hands” helps to promote healing for oneself or even to heal others.

What most distinguishes Reiki from other types of holistic medicine is that Reiki works with the invisible force of vital energy known as Chi. This vital energy, that flows through each living and breathing individual, is said to be the reason why people are alive.

In this concept, it is believed that when a persons’s vital energy is low, the person tends to suffer more from stress, feels powerless and weak and will probably become ill. It is also believed that people who possess a high level of vital energy live their lives healthier, stress-free and in harmony. They also have greater ability to face the challenges of everyday life.

Nowadays, many people opt for a more traditional, conventional and natural treatment, such as Reiki. This ancient technique has shown great incredible results, which is one of the reasons why more and more people are willing to implement Reiki in their lives. Even scientific research has acknowledged the effects of Reiki.

For those who have already experienced Reiki therapy, this method has come to be the solution to some of their problems, regardless of the type of problem.

This positive universal energy is capable of healing ANY part of the body, mind, and/or soul—absolutely anything that requires healing.

In addition to the healing properties, Reiki also helps a person balance their life in order to achieve a more meaningful and content life.

The practice of Reiki also contributes to building and maintaining a life of peace and harmony among people.


The following are a couple answers to common questions related to Reiki:

Q: How does Reiki promote health? A: Reiki is holistic in its nature and the induced energy works intelligently affecting matter on subtle levels, supporting and stimulating the mind, body and spirit in returning to its natural state of balance.

Q: Are there any risks in Reiki therapy? A:  No. The only thing to consider is that the person could block out all the positive vital energy he is getting. This will NOT cause any harm to the person in any way.

Q: What is the technique behind it? A: The technique is simple and very intuitive. It is administered through universal life force energy channeled and transmitted by the Reiki practitioner. For this, the most common method used is the so-called ‘hands on’, although the energy can be transmitted remotely as well.

Q: Remotely, how can this be possible? A: The remote Reiki (or distance Reiki) method is mutually convenient for both the practitioner and the recipient because it does not require the physical presence from any of them. Energy involves everything in and around us, beyond matter there is absolutely nothing but energy. Because energy healing operates outside the illusory limitations of time, space and dimensions, it can be transmitted remotely to any place and location across the globe. The intelligence and magnificence of Reiki is not only limited to healing living beings, but it is also possible to send Reiki to events, situations, global crises, past, future and, we can Reiki everything, the only limit is our own imagination. To send Reiki remotely the practitioner uses specific symbols to connect energetically with the absent recipient. Attunements can be also conveniently given via distant transmission.

Q: Hands on or Distance Reiki? Which technique works efficiently? A: Equally to the traditional hands-on method, the distant transmission occurs instantaneously and simultaneously and the results are exactly the same. (see article: Reiki – Via Distance or In-Person? Which one works better?)

Q: Is Reiki compatible with medicines and other medicinal treatments? A: Absolutely. Reiki is fully compatible with western medicine and other practices, simply because it is natural and totally safe. It is suitable for anyone.

Q: Can I only receive Reiki treatment if I am ill? A: No. Reiki can even be given to a person who is not necessarily suffering from an illness, just to boost your spirit to help you at various levels of your life.

Q: What is the function of the Reiki healer? A: The Reiki healer is the one who manipulates the vital energy. The vital energy is channeled into the Reiki healer and through the healer the channeled energy is transferred to the receiver.

Q: Can you send Reiki healing on behalf of someone else? A: One of the most important premises of Reiki is that healing energy should only be sent to those who explicitly asked to receive it.The only exception is those who cannot speak for themselves. There is a possibility to help them by sending heling energy to their Higher Self, who then will decide whether it is appropriate at the moment or not, without interfering their free will.

Q: What are the benefits of Reiki healing? A: Reiki therapy has several beneficial effects for the mind, the body and the soul. Some of the benefits are:

— helps to relax
– reduces stress
– reduces anxiety
– improves clarity of the mind
– alleviates the burden of emotion
– nourishes and energizes the spirit
– improves unconscious addictive behavior
– detoxifies the system
– increases body frequency
– induces the body´s self-healing abilities
– removes negative energy
– balances the energy flow
– leads to peace and harmony
… just to name a few.

Q: Do I need to believe in Reiki for the treatment to work? A: No. Reiki always works, whether you believe it or not!
Even so, something important is worth pointing out:
In order for Reiki to work effectively, the healer and the person receiving energy must cooperate together in the healing process. The energy healer sends the vital energy while the recipient must welcome the energy openly.

Q: Is Reiki a religion? A: No. The distinction between spirituality and religion has caused a lot of confusion in regard to Reiki. Even though Reiki is spiritual in nature and its energy comes from God or from All That Is, it is not a religion. It does not hold any dogma or creeds; however, its foundation is based on ethical principles. It is worth emphasizing though that whatever your religious background is, those principles should not conflict with your own religious practice and beliefs.

Q: Is Reiki safe for everyone? A: Reiki isn’t harmful to you at all.

Q: Can Reiki be dangerous? A: Reiki has not been shown to have any harmful effects. However, it can be dangerous when conventional treatment is replaced by Reiki. Energy healing treatment is complementary and should never be used as a substitute for regular medical treatments.

Q: What distinguishes Reiki from other forms of energy healing? A: Reiki is distinct from other energy healing practices through its use of symbols and the Attunement process. Reiki is never sent; It is always drawn through the channeler also known as Reiki practitioner (that act like a conduit which the Reiki energy flows through). The person receiving Reiki drawn the energy through the practitioner rather than being sent by them. Reiki practitioners do not use their own energy so they will never feel drained, depleted, or take on their client’s condition.

Q: Will Reiki heal me permanently? A: It all depends upon the context in the individual’s life. Nothing is really permanent, everything is in constant state of change in this temporary life. Maintaining holistically a balanced mind-body-soul is an evolving process and a constant work in progress. 

Q: Do children respond well to Reiki? A: Children usually respond quickly and very well to Reiki. Because, unlike us adults, they do not carry emotional baggage with them in their early years; consequently, leading to severe energy blockages manifested in their bodies.

Q: What is a Reiki attunement? A: An Attunement is a traditional spiritual, sacred ceremony conducted by a Reiki Master Teacher. Attunement helps the initiate (student) to tune into the frequency of Reiki energy – which, once undertaken, it is permanently imbedded into your being, remaining at your disposal.

The Attunement will be with you forever, irrespective of if you choose to use it or not.

The Attunement is essentially all you need to start using the energy and applying healing energy to yourself or for treating others. (see article: How can I learn Reiki? Reiki for Beginners: What You Need To Know)

Q: “I’m interested in learning Reiki, but I don’t know where to start yet.” A: The techniques involved are quite intuitive and easy to learn. Therefore, the ability to channel Reiki (in order to use it) is transferred from the Reiki Master Teacher to the student during the so-called initiation or Attunement – meaning that you need to undergo through the Attunement process first. Note that we also offer a distant Attunement service as part of our Home Study Course. In this self-paced program, you will learn everything you need to know about Reiki at your own pace and receive the necessary remote attunement. You will receive a certificate of completion at the end of each course.

Words cannot define it properly, it needs to be experienced. Each of us experiences Reiki in a different and unique way, which is why it is almost impossible to describe Reiki using words. Therefore, I really encourage you to experience the loving energy of Reiki prior to drawing any conclusions, but remember to remain open-minded to get the most out of it.

Enjoy discovering the power of Reiki for yourself!